Kirsten Jenkins is a working professional at NuSil Technology (Avantor) in Carpinteria. She specializes in quality systems, participating in internal audits, reviewing and negotiating quality clauses, and working with non-conformance reports. She has been employed with the company for over 13 years.

Kirsten graduated from California State University Long Beach with a B.A. in Art History. Her main passion is volunteering and giving back to the community, and she was previously a member of the Latino Community Foundation, a philanthropic movement. Kirsten is a Carpinteria native and is fortunate enough to still reside in Carpinteria with her husband, Evan Jenkins, raising their son.
She is honored to be joining the board as a trustee and looks forward to building more community outreach to best serve their special community, planning inclusive events, and fostering more strong, smart, and bold girls!