Legacy Giving
Your Legacy:
Empowering Girls to Build Strong, Smart and Bold Futures

There are many easy and tax-effective ways to make a planned gift to our organization, including gifts of stocks and bonds; real estate, such as a home, vacation property, ranch or commercial property; retirement assets; or a gift of your life insurance policy.
To provide for the future, Girls Inc. of Carpinteria has opened an endowment fund with the Santa Barbara Foundation. This permanent fund is professionally managed as part of the foundation’s investment program, facilitating gifts of all types including:
- Charitable Bequest: Designate Girls Inc. of Carpinteria as a beneficiary in your will or trust.
- Beneficiary Designation Gifts: Designate Girls Inc. of Carpinteria as a beneficiary of a retirement, investment, or bank account or your life insurance policy.
- IRA Rollover: Congress recently enacted a permanent extension of the IRA Charitable Rollover. As a result, you can make an IRA rollover gift this year, next year, and beyond.
Learn More
If you are interested in making a planned gift or would like to learn more, please contact us at (805) 684-6364 or mail an interest form to:
Girls Inc. of Carpinteria
c/o Santa Barbara Foundation
1111 Chapala Street, Suite 200
Santa Barbara, CA 93101